forest operations
The Community Forest makes up less than 1% of all logging on the Sunshine Coast.
The community forest is 10,800-hectares, and 41% is protected by legal and voluntary measures. Each year, just 0.2% of the community forest is logged and below you can find out how and where that is being planned
over the next 5+ years.
Forest Stewardship Plan 2025
A Forest Stewardship Plan (FSP) is a document that outlines how an organization plans to manage their forestry tenure while following provincial regulations and protecting important environmental , cultural, and economic values.
The Forest Range Practises Act (FRPA) and the Forest Planning and Practises Regulation (FPPR) set out what must be included in the FSP.
Results & Strategies: An FSP must explain how B.C.'s forestry regulations will be met while balancing different resource values.
Protection Measures: The plan must include steps to prevent invasive species. The plan must show how logging and road-building will respect and maintain resource values including:
Biodiversity - keeping forests diverse and healthy
Cultural Heritage - Protecting sites important to Indigienous communities
Fish & Riparian Areas - Safeguarding fish habitat and water quality
Recreation - Maintaining areas used for hiking, camping, etc.
Soils - Preventing erosion and maintaining soil health
Timber - Managing tree harvesting in a sustainable way
Visual Quality - Preserving scenic views
Water Quality - Ensuring clean and stable water sources
Wildlife - Protecting habitat for animals
Have a look at this latest FSP and send us your comments & questions!
Forest Stewardship Plan Comment Period Jan 31- Apr 1, 2025
Comments and questions are invited on the Sunshine Coast Community Forest's replacement Forest Stewardship Plan from governments, tenure holders, local stakeholders, and the community.
FSPs aim to balance logging with environmental and community needs to ensure forests are managed responsibly, supporting both economic activities and conservation efforts. Changes from our current FSP include incorporating regulatory changes, and considerations for climate change mitigation.
The tenure area is defined by Community Forest Agreement K3F, and is located near the communities of Roberts Creek, Sechelt and Halfmoon Bay, BC.
How to send us your comments & questions
​Email: fsp@sccf.ca
Phone: 604-885-7809
Mail: Sunshine Coast Community Forest, Box 215, Sechelt BC V0N 3A0
Questions and comments regarding the Forest Stewardship Plan must be received by April 1, 2025

Our public engagement process makes space for people who care about the forest and how it is managed, resulting in an Operations Plan that reflects the needs and preferences of the community.
2024-2028 Operating Plan
Our current Operating Plan was published on May 24th, 2024 for public review and comment, with the comment period running from June 1 - July 15, 2024.
Our proposed blocks were included in the new provincial Forest Operations Mapping (FOM) portal, and a report summarizing the feedback received will be prepared this fall.
Written feedback during the specified feedback period is uniquely valuable in being able to periodically and objectively report on what people in the community are asking and telling us about our plans, however, we also welcome anyone interested in discussing our plans or their interests in the Community Forest to reach out to us by phone or e-mail, at any time of the year.
Our Operating Plan includes three components, each providing important information (links underlined):
Operating Plan Guidelines: document outlining general management objectives and strategies, including Ecosystem Based Management and Wildfire Risk Reduction
Block Table: a listing of each block number and details such as area, composition, and planned harvest year. Note that the total volume on the table is more than our harvest over a 5 year period (75,000 cubic meters - this allows for volumes to be reduced throughout the planning process including community feedback, engineering, and professional assessments
Map: all of the current proposed block boundaries and our draft landscape reserve design, and other important information such as watershed boundaries​
​​Watch our June Operating Plan Webinar

Winter 2025 Harvesting Plans
Halfmoon Bay - HM64
Our harvest plans were significantly influenced by community feedback including a walk in the woods with over 40 people involved with recreation groups, as well as our ecosystem assessments. These planning considerations and commitments made to community groups include:
Generous buffers along waterways ranging from 30-50 meters as a result of the professional advice we received from third party biologists, specifically 50m for riparian protection of Wakefield Creek and a wetland and 30m around the beaver pond.
Rebuilding trail bridges in the area, minimal impact to trails and re-establishing trails after harvesting (note that these trails are built without required planning and permission from the Province and shishalh Nation, and as such no consideration is required).
Fore and Aft Trail
Protection of a historical Fore and Aft Trail (timbered logging roads) in this previously logged area.
Ecosystem Reserve
Areas surrounding the planned harvest area including nearby Crowston Lake and stream complex to the northeast are incorporated into our landscape ecosystem reserve.

Ecological Assessment​
The purpose of the ecological assessment is to have professional biologists review the area planned for timber harvesting to identify ecological values like high value habitat, at-risk species, old forest conditions, and considering the forest in the context of its surrounding area. This is an essential part of our block planning, and resulted in the planned harvest area reduced by 43%. This reduction was made in areas where it has the highest ecological impact, demonstrating how Ecosystem Based Management offers sustainably sourced timber to meet human needs without compromising biodiversity and resilience in our forest ecosystems. Read more in the report below.​
HM64 Forest Attribute Assessment
Watershed Assessment
To inform long-term planning in this area, we invested in a watershed assessment of Wakefield Creek during the planning of this block - this is on the EBM page.

Planning for AN15, AN03 and AN3A has included the following professional assessments :
Why do professional reports matter?
The third party professionals who produce our reports value their reputations and have governing bodies who uphold the reputation of their respective fields of expertise, including through audits, receiving complaints, disciplinary processes, and requiring ongoing training.
It's important to consider sources of information. Always be aware of information where there is no mechanism to hold the authors or publishers accountable. .Sustainable forest management and being able to engage in meaningful conversations around the challenges we are facing as a community and society, rely first and foremost on trust and accurate information.

Logging started in Fall 2023 and is now completed, with firewood permits open. The harvested area makes up 0.1% of the Community Forest (about half of its annual footprint).
Logs are being sold locally and to value-added BC manufacturing, and the area has been carefully replanted with genetically diverse seedlings from locally sourced seed, and will be monitored until the forest is reestablished. From the start, planning has considered both “Jessica’s Trail” and “Half Day” trails which are well used and maintained. There is also a small unused trail built for film use that we've been advised is now abandoned.
The area was harvested in the 1950’s by the Jackson Logging Company. (Members of the family still reside on the Sunshine Coast.) The average age of the trees within the block is approximately 70 years old.
Old Growth
There is no old growth within the block; the older trees above the east boundary of the block are excluded from logging plans and are being considered by our Ecosystem Based Management planning team for inclusion in our network of ecosystem reserves.
There is a potential bear den and two woodpecker nests nearby, outside of the block boundary. Despite being determined as currently not occupied, they are sites which could potentially be used by these animals. Logging nearby will not occur if the nests or den become occupied prior to logging.
Reduced Harvest Area
The block includes 2 reserve areas protecting a group of older trees which are being retained for ecological values. Combined, the areas removed from initial logging plans for these, and other planning considerations reduce the harvest area by 28%.
Past logging (2023-2024):
Community Forest Policies & Practises

On Old Growth
No old growth logging, and a comprehensive old growth recruitment strategy for future old growth.

On Watershed Protection
No logging in the Chapman Community Watershed, a region of paramount significance. However, it's important to note that beyond the boundaries of the Community Forest, logging activities are still taking place in this area.

Our Ecosystem-Based Management planning process relies on peer reviewed, prominent third-party biologists to plan our voluntarily protected areas around sensitive ecosystems that will be most vulnerable to climate change, and around riparian areas to protect water quality and quantity.

On Recreation
Ongoing engagement with recreation groups, and protecting well-used trails where possible.
Let your voice be heard!
Sign up to find out about upcoming community engagement and feedback opportunities