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2022-2025 Operating Plan Feedback Report

Each year, we publish our five-year operating plan which includes a document explaining how we plan to manage the community forest in the near-term, as well as maps showing the specific areas we plan to harvest timber. We received feedback on our 2022 operating plan until early 2023, and are now releasing a report summarizing the comments received and how we plan to address them.

This report provides an overview of the community feedback received for the 2022-2025 Sunshine Coast Community Forest (SCCF) Operating Plan referral and highlights key themes, concerns, and actions taken in response to community input.

We began implementing an Ecosystem-Based approach to planning in 2021, with the expectation of reducing the amount of timber harvested and prioritizing sustainable forest management practices. While no new areas were added to the 2022 Operating Plan, we sought feedback on the existing areas to remain current in our public engagement. The engagement activities included advertising in local media, social media posts, newsletters, and invitations for comment from neighborhood associations. The SCCF also engaged with the community at various events through the year. Feedback was gathered through email (18 responses) and a Google form (41 responses).

Key Feedback Themes:

• Logging Practices

• Environmental Conservation and Biodiversity

• Hydrology and Water Resources

• Recreational Interests

• Wildlife Habitat

• Gratitude

• Public Engagement and Transparency

Response and Action Taken:

• The feedback report addresses in detail some of the misinformation which was circulated regarding our operating plan referral.

• Enhanced Communication: The SCCF plans to improve communication on topics such as logging practices, wildlife habitat, water resources, biodiversity considerations, and engagement with recreational user groups.

• Contextual Information: Future plans will include additional contextual information to provide a better understanding of the planning process, including parameters and values considered within each block.

• Qualification of Information: Information subject to change during the planning process, such as net harvest volume and area, will be clearly qualified as such.

• Block Status Definitions: Block statuses in the block table will be explicitly defined, including cases where feedback can no longer be considered.

The input received from the community will lead to improved communications and planning processes. By addressing concerns, providing contextual information, and ensuring transparency, we aim to foster a more collaborative and informed approach to forest management. We are grateful to all those who provided feedback and acknowledge the valuable work of the Community Advisory Panel in providing input towards these improvements.

Read The Full 2022-2025 Operating Plan Public Engagement Report:

If this subject interests you, please sign up for our newsletter and follow us online to stay informed about our 2023 Operating Plan referral coming this fall. Join us in planning our Community Forest for the future.


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