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2024 Operations Plan Referral

Updated: 3 days ago

Each year, the Sunshine Coast Community Forest releases an Operations Plan with information about where we are planning to harvest timber over the next five years as well as generally how we intend to operate within those areas.

Our Ecosystem-Based Management planning approach provides important context to how and where harvesting will be considered within the proposed areas.

We are inviting feedback from the community on these plans for a 45-day period. The feedback period is June 1 - July 15, 2024.

Feedback received during this period is considered in a report published on our website each year.

Our proposed harvest areas will also be included in the new provincial Forest Operations Mapping during the feedback period.

Click below to view our Operations Plan and see details about how to provide feedback, including links to the FOM portal.

We're hosting 2 webinars where we'll share information about the community forest, what is new in the operating plan this year, as well as details on how to provide feedback and how it is used. Both dates will offer the same information.

And, as always, if you'd like to discuss our Operations Plan in person or have questions/concerns, you're welcome to visit us at our office at 213 - 5710 Teredo Street, Sechelt BC.


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