There are currently five committees that provide the structure, focus and adherence to policy that help drive the Community Forest forward in alignment with its strategy.
To read about the activities of the Board of Directors and view the terms of reference for each committee, check out our Corporate Governance Policy on our Documents page
Corporate Governance Committee
The Corporate Governance Committee will ensure that the written policies of the Board of Directors respecting the role and functions of the Board of Directors and that the framework for the
overall governance, guidance and direction of the Community Forest reflect the current highest standards of corporate behaviour and the ethical deportment of directors, officers, employees and volunteers.
Nominations and Board Development Committee
The Nominations and Board Development Committee ensures the Board is comprised of community members with a variety of skills and experience through recruitment of qualified individuals and recommending appropriate board development, education and training opportunities. This committee receives nominations and identifies and nominates qualified candidates for all positions on the Board of Directors. The Nominations and Board Development Committee must set forth at least a minimum number of candidates required to fill vacant directorships or directorships becoming vacant. The Nominations and Board Development Committee is responsible for evaluating candidates to ensure the proposition of high caliber individuals who are familiar with Directors responsibilities and who subscribe to the Board’s code of conduct.
Executive Committee
The Executive Committee, formed by a resolution of the Board of Directors, has, during the intervals between meetings of the full Board, all the Directors’ powers, except:
a) the power to fill vacancies in the Board of Directors;
b) the power to remove a Director;
c) the power to change the membership or fill vacancies in any committee of the Directors; and
d) Such other powers, if any, as may be set out in the enabling resolution or any subsequent resolution.
The Executive Committee reviews contracts for the provision of services and make recommendations to the Board where appropriate.
Audit Committee
The Audit Committee acts as liaison between the audit firm and the Board of Directors. The Committee ensures that the review of SCCF’s financial operation by the audit firm provides an independent report of the integrity of financial data, the adequacy of internal controls, adherence to sound business practices, and that the results of the annual audit are fairly presented. The Audit Committee shall make a recommendation to the Board with respect to approval of audited financial statements.
The Committee shall ensure compliance with financial and accounting policies. For purposes of performing its duties, the Audit Committee shall have the right at all reasonable times to inspect all the books and records of SCCF and to discuss with management, the officers and audit firm such information and matters relating to the financial position of SCCF as it deems necessary. The Committee may, at its discretion, require the attendance at any of its meetings of the auditor and contract manager. The Audit Committee may make recommendations to the Board of directors on any matters pertaining to audit or internal controls.
SCCF Legacy Fund Assessment Committee
The purpose of the SCCF Legacy Fund Assessment Committee (“the Committee”) is to review applications for funding and make recommendations to the District of Sechelt ("the Shareholder") for funding of projects that have the potential to offer lasting benefits to the community and report said recommendations to the Sunshine Coast Community Forest Board of Directors ("the SCCF Board")
To meet the current board of directors head to About Us
