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Legacy Fund Grants

Updated: Oct 24, 2022

At the January 16, 2019 regular Council meeting of the District of Sechelt, Councilors approved our recommendations for seven Legacy Fund grants.

Gibsons Marine Rescue Society – $80,000 to construct a new boathouse in which to park the Royal Canadian Marine Search and Rescue boat.

Gibsons Public Market – $35,000 to install a solar array which will reduce the use and cost of hydro electric power for the Marine Education Cen

Sechelt Seniors Activity Centre – $100,000 for major renovations to add a dining room and upgrade the kitchen facilities.

Sunshine Coast Salmonid Enhancement Society – $30,500 to conduct hydrologic and well assessments in order to have their wells approved for use rather than taking water from Chapman Lake to feed the hatchery.

Syiyaya Reconciliation Movement – $10,000 to complete their totem carving project.

Sunshine Coast Baseball Association – $20,000 to install a new batting cage at Brothers Park.

Sunshine Coast Fastball League – $50,000 to upgrade Hackett Park with improved backstops and fencing.

All of these projects will provide lasting benefits to the communities of the Sunshine Coast.


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